C'est la vie

C'est la vie

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The end..

The end of an era..
The end of it all..

No more shall we hear Hilani.. ever.. pluck a guitar string.. with lights flashing
As a steady bass line merges it with the extremely deep meaningful vocals that all our performances have had.

No more shall we hear Bathhal.. ever.. skip a beat.. with that smile on his face
As we stare bewildered at what has suddenly gone wrong... and try to fix it without letting the world know.

No more shall we hear Manjan.. ever.. put the audience in a trance.. with Crowds roaring, and Children Moshing(Good Band Name)
As all the veins pop out of his neck. As We begin to believe that nothing can go wrong... As We(I) struggle to show even a fraction of the energy that he displays on stage.

No more shall we ever see Laud.. ever.. waiting for us as we leave stage just to comfort us by saying, "God tha"...
Hoping that he was playing.. yet never actually trying to.

No more shall we ever imagine gosavi.. ever.. sitting, stoned, drunk, with his head between his hands..
Mouthing the words to every song we have played..

No more shall you ever see me.. ever.. playing a guitar with fewer than 6 strings..
All that i'll do is pluck a six stringer.. singing my favourite tunes.. for now there is no reason to imagine to have a chance at the rock and roll dream...

No more.. No more..
The end of an AD.
The end of stacatto as we know it.
The end of an era.

Thank You ladies and gentlemen, sorry for boring you if we did, it means a lot to us that you took time out of your busy schedule to come watch us.



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